The OpenMapTiles tools for generating TM2Source projects, imposm3 mappings and SQL instructions from OpenMapTiles layers. We encourage other people to use this for their vector tile projects as well since this approach works well for us.
Check out the OpenMapTiles project for a real world example.
You need Python 2 or Python 3 installed on your system. External dependency: graphviz, sqlite3
pip install openmaptiles-tools
# You can also install the package directly from git
pip install git+
#Some tool call external command, you can install them on debian / ubuntu :
apt-get install graphviz sqlite3
You define a self contained Layer together with SQL files and layer and data source definitions (like an imposm3 mapping file) that you can then reference in a Tileset where you mix and match with other layers.
Take a look or copy a standard layer like building to get started with your own layer. A layer consists out of a Layer definition written in YAML format.
There you specify the layer
properties like id
, buffer_size
and possible Markdown documentation (description
and fields
You can also reference SQL files in schema
for writing the necessary queries for your layer or create generalized tables.
We encourage you to have a function per layer which takes the bounding box and zoom level. This makes it easy
to test and reuse.
If your data is based of OSM you can also directly reference a imposm3 mapping file to choose the OSM data you need.
id: "building"
description: Buildings from OpenStreetMap
buffer_size: 4
query: (SELECT geometry FROM layer_building(!bbox!, z(!scale_denominator!))) AS t
render_height: An approximated height from levels and height of building.
- ./building.sql
- type: imposm3
mapping_file: ./mapping.yaml
A Tileset defines which layer will be in your vector tile set (layers
and metadata used for generating a TM2Source project to actually generate the vector tiles.
- layers/building/building.yaml
- layers/housenumber/housenumber.yaml
- layers/poi/poi.yaml
name: Street Level
description: A tileset showing street level info like building, housenumbers and POIs.
attribution: "OpenStreetMap contributors"
maxzoom: 14
minzoom: 13
center: [-12.2168, 28.6135, 4]
Takes a tileset definition an generates a TM2Source YAML project file. You need to provide PostgreSQL database connection settings before generating the project.
generate-tm2source <tileset> --host="localhost" --port=5432 --database="osm" --user="osm" --password="osm"
Takes a tileset definition an generates an imposm3 mapping file for importing OSM data.
generate-imposm3 <tileset>
Takes a tileset definition and collects all SQL referenced in the layer definitions.
generate-sql <tileset>
Takes a tileset definition and generates Markdown documentation.
generate-doc <tileset>
dependency: graphviz
Takes a source code from the imposm3 mapping file and the SQL postprocessing code ,
nad parsing for the etldoc:
graphviz based comments, and generate an svg file.
The .dot
and the .svg
filename prefix is etl_
generate-etlgraph <tileset> <target-directory>
generate-etlgraph layers/landcover/landcover.yaml ./build/devdoc
generate-etlgraph layers/railway/railway.yaml ./build/etlgraph
input command: generate-etlgraph layers/landcover/landcover.yaml
output fies:
generate-sqlquery layers/landcover/landcover.yaml 14
dependency: sqlite3
generate_metadata ./data/tiles.mbtiles