This lab will let you practice performing neural network analysis. It will also introduce you additional concepts in neural network analysis and Tensorflow. You will be introduced to a web tool called Tensorflow Playground with which you can play with and learn about the hyperparameters of Tensorflow.
Complete Challenge 1 and 2. Follow the instructions and add your code and explanations as necessary.
containing your responses.- Screenshot of your Tensorflow Playground experiment for Challenge 2.
Upon completion, add your deliverables to git. Then commit git and push your branch to the remote.
- Tic Tac Toe on Wikipedia
- Tic Tac Toe Endgame Dataset
- tf.keras.optimizers.Adam
- tf.keras.layers.Dense
- Tensorflow Playground
- Understanding Deep Learning with TensorFlow playground
- Neural Networks: Playground Exercises
- Tensorflow Playground GitHub Repo
- How to pick the best learning rate for your machine learning project
- Intro to Neural Nets Exercise by Google