The documentation is written in kramdown-flavored markdown. It also takes advantage of the Liquid templating system and the built-in variable in Jekyll, the static site generator that GitHub pages uses.
This folder (docs/
) can be used to build the site either via GitHUb pages or via a local Jekyll installation.
Header 1 OR
# Header 1
Header 2 OR
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6
You probably shouldnt use h1 headers, as the title of the page is always displayed as an h1, and using them elsewhere could be visualy confusing.
DONT USE BOLD INSTEAD OF HEADERS (except in tables). Doing so makes generating a TOC impossible (and also visually looks off.)
In kramdown, a horizontal rule must be preceeded and followed by a blank line:
I am above the hr
I am below the hr
To insert an image, we need to tell Jekyll to generate the relative path to the file like so
![YOUR ALT TEXT]({{'assets/images/YOURIMAGE.png' | relative_url }})
To insert an link, we can use the usual markdown format:
If you want to link to a header on a specific page, read this documentation.
Every page should start with this YAML "front-matter" before anything else:
layout: doc_page
To insert a table of contents to a page with the following snippet:
<input type="hidden" toc="start" />
<input type="hidden" toc="end" />