Chrome.js is a set of APIs that help the automations and scripting of Web based applications (WebSites or WebServices).
There is support for direct chrome access (via chrome debugger API) and node-webkit
Using npm:
npm install chrome-js --save
See "How to run"
For better instructions than the ones shown below.
If you would like to help. Here is the issue to fix this README :)
(NOTE: these instructions and screenshots are a bit out-of-date with the latest version)
as per documented at you need to download the chrome driver for your platform
from and copy it into the ./node_modules/nodewebkit/nodewebkit
In OSx the file to download is the chromedriver-nw-v0.11.2-osx-x64
and you can open the folder to copy the unziped file using open ./node_modules/nodewebkit/nodewebkit
Once that is in place you can start the version with chromedriver support using
... which should look like this:
Note: in the current version, when you close the node-webkit window you will need to manually close the coffee
process (since it is still running the
selenium server in the background)
If you want to just open the webkit-repl without chromedriver support, just run
... which should look like this:
more script examples See these script examples to ideas on what to run there:
related issues Is there a GUI REPL for node-webkit?