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SETUP the project locally

Build and start containers

run the command

docker compose up -d --build

this will build and start containers. if you have issues with ports, please choose other ports in the docker-compose.yaml file and retry.

once finished, try to run

docker compose ps

to make sure that all containers are up

to enter the container, please run the command

docker compose exec <the service name> bash

for example, to enter the server container (which contains the source code), run docker compose exec server bash

tape exit if you want to quit the container and go back to host.

alt text

to stop the containers, run

docker compose stop

to restart the containers without rebuilding them

docker compose up -d 

all symfony commands (like make commands) must be run inside the container

Install Symfony and dependencies

// start the containers if not already started
docker compose up -d
// enter the server container
docker compose exec server bash

now that you are inside the server container, run the following commands inside the server container

composer self-update
composer install

this project contains :

Confiugure the project

inside the server container, run the command

composer dump-env dev

this will create a .env.local.php file. the content of this file should look like the following


return array (
  'APP_ENV' => 'dev',
  'APP_SECRET' => 'f693cb9d977ca50c10babcc0dcc31ec0',
  'DATABASE_URL' => 'postgresql://app:[email protected]:5432/app?serverVersion=16&charset=utf8',
  'MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN' => 'doctrine://default?auto_setup=0',

please change the DATABASE_URL value with mysql://root:superSecr3t@database/XXX?serverVersion=8.0.32&charset=utf8mb4

the docker setup has already created an empty database called database. if you want to change it, change the value of DATABASE_URL like

'DATABASE_URL' => 'mysql://root:superSecr3t@database/XXX?serverVersion=8.0.32&charset=utf8mb4',

where XXX is the new database name. then, run the command

php bin/console doctrine:database:create

to create the new database.

Load fixtures

to load data in the database, run the commad:

php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

and answer yes.

Create a new controller

to create a new Controller / pages, you need to run the following command:

php bin/console make:controller

Create entities

to create (or update) entities, run the following command:

php bin/console make:entity

Create migration

to create and apply migrations, run the following commands

php bin/console make:migration
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Create a new Foundry factory

to create a Foundry factory, run the following command:

php bin/console make:factory


this is the default symfony skeleton






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