Split your category description by a ###more### token and show description above and below the product list.
composer require ivoba-oxid/split-category-desc
In "Erweiterungen -> Module -> Ivo Bathke: Split Category Desc" enter your settings in the "Settings" tab
In the long description field (Langtext) of the category enter a line with ###more###
to split the description.
The text before ###more###
will be shown above the product list.
The text after ###more###
will be shown below the product list.
A read more button will be added at the upper text that will jump to the text below the list.
For SEO and design purposes :)
will be overwritten with the part before the token.
Use $actCat->getLongDesc()
for the full long description.
- UTF-8
- PHP >= 8
- Oxid eShop >= CE 7