The project consist of two programs :
- The first is generating mazes with 3 options {x, y, [perfect / inperfect]}
- The second is solving that maze, drawing the path with 'o'
Made with my lovely mate Plaban
first at the root of the repository make the binaries by writting make
in the prompt.
Then go to the generator folder and launch the program like so :
./generator {x_size} {y_size} {perfect}
(by default the generator creates inperfect mazes)
Now you have a fantastic maze, to put it inside a folderm relauch the command and redirect the prints inside a file like so for example :
./generator 20 20 > file
Just like we did for the generator, now go to the solver folder and launch the binarie like so :
./solver {file_name}
({file_name} is of course the name of the file where you did put the maze)
And now you have a fantastic solved maze printed on the standard output.
You can beautify it by piping a grep command to the solver, like so if you are using zsh or starship the path will be colored !
./solver {file_name} | grep "o"
You can also use a very basic python script I wrote to print the maze very colorfuly.
To do so, you first need just like we did for the generator to redirect the solved maze on a file.
./solver {file_name} > solved_file
And then
python3 solved_file