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\====/ Solutions
Advent of Code (AOC) is a popular, well-established, Christmas-themed event which releases a set of programming puzzles each December. Thousands of participants attempt, solve, and share solutions to these puzzles as a way to enjoy and expand their knowledge of programming.
This repository is a collection of all my solutions to AOC puzzles, in multiple languages.
Solutions are organised by languages, and each language has its own executable.
- Written in C.aoccpp
- Written in C++.aocjava
- Written in Java.aocpy
- Written in Python.
These executables are used to run specific solutions, all solutions, or the latest solution (default behaviour without arguments).
To build aocc
and aoccpp
from a Unix command line, run:
mkdir -p build && cmake -B build && cmake --build build
To run, for example, the solution for 2024, day 1, part 1, in C:
./build/aocc -y 2024 -d 1 -p 1
- Specify the year. If ommited, it will use the year of the most recent solution.-d
- Specify the day. If ommited, it will use the day of the most recent solution (for the specified year).-p
- Specify the solution part. If ommited, it will use part 2 if it's available, otherwise it will use part 1.