NLP practice projects and examples. All data files in .gitignore.
Example projects:
ML on M1:
For Keras/TensorFlow on an Apple M1, I'm using conda miniforge with TensorFlow installed in a virtual environment (conda activate mlp, after install). Much of the NLP uses NLTK rather than spaCy, with separately downloaded Glove word embeddings.
- Binary sentence classification via CNN/RNN on Biden/Trump tweets.
- Text summarization via Glove embeddings, cosine similarity matrix, and pagerank.
- Sentiment analysis via logistic regression.
- Keyword extraction via TF-IDF.
- Hate speech detection using SGDClassifier.
- Next word prediction using Keras/TF.
- Spam detection using SMS data, CountVectorizer (bag-of-words), and Multinomial Naive Bayes.
- Text classification, part 2 using TF/Keras, IMDB reviews for positive/negative sentiment.
- Spelling correction using TextBlob (quick).
- Named entity recognition via LSTM. Too long to train on M1.
- Twitter sentiment analysis, part II. Use Naive Bayes sentiment classifier trained on positive/negative labeled tweets.
- Topic modeling. Use doc2vec embeddings, k-means clustering, TF-IDF scores to label clusters with topic.