Plumble is a robust GPLv3 Mumble client for Android that uses the Jumble protocol implementation.
git submodule update --init --recursive
ndk-build -C libraries/Jumble/src/main/jni/
./gradlew assembleDebug
It's that simple!
Documentation on integrating your app with Plumble's IPC features here.
Standard FOSS project procedure applies; fork and submit a PR!
Please use Transifex for translations, not pull requests.
Help test the latest Plumble nightly builds here. File issue reports with Nightly version number.
Contribute translations to Plumble using Transifex!
Plumble is a lot of work to develop! All donations are appreciated, via the paid version on Google Play or here.
Bitcoin (1ySD4UzFDtPLq9agRg9eiFtWmz6DJ7bBf)