Welcome to my GitHub. I'm an undergraduate at Columbia University studying computer science.
A lot of my work is on private repos (on and off GitHub), but feel free to check out some of my older stuff on here. My private work tends to be in Python and Rust and my work on here is mostly HTML/CSS/JS, Python, and Emacs Lisp.
Outside of classes, right now I am...
- leading a team working on high-altitude research devices with custom electronics
- researching in the Columbia Natural Language Processing Lab
- doing freelance web design work (e.g. mikemassimino.com), although web design is not my passion
- working as a Superuser in the Makerspace @ Columbia, giving trainings and assisting users with projects
- my website
- my Emacs-focused YouTube channel (we've just passed 500,000 views)
- my linkedin