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Hubitat Integration for Home Assistant


This integration uses Hubitat’s Maker API to make Hubitat devices available for use with Home Assistant.

Quick Start

  1. Create a Maker API instance in Hubitat
  2. Add the devices you want to share in Maker API
  3. Install HACS
  4. Add the Hubitat integration in HACS
  5. Add an instance of the Hubitat integration in Home Assistant's Integrations page

⚠️ If you notice that devices aren't updating in Home Assistant, see the Troubleshooting section below.


The following device types are currently supported. The first level bullets are Home Assistant platforms, while the sub-bullets are specific device classes.

  • binary_sensor
    • acceleration
    • carbon monoxide
    • connectivity
    • contact
    • moisture
    • motion
    • presence
    • smoke
  • climate
    • thermostat
    • fan
  • cover
    • door controller
    • garage door controller
    • window shade
  • fan
  • light
  • lock
  • sensor
    • battery
    • humidity
    • illuminance
    • power (watts)
    • temperature
    • voltage
    • pressure
  • switch
  • valve


This component is an integration, which is different from an add on. Integrations are managed through the “Devices & Services” configuration menu rather than through “Add-ons, Backups & Supervisor”.

There are two methods for installing this integration. One is to use HACS, a tool is used to install and update third party integrations (such as this one). The second option is to install this integration manually by cloning the repository and copying the integration files to the proper location in your HA config directory.

Note that you will need to restart Home Assistant after installation, whichever method is used.


First, install HACS if you haven't already.

Once HACS has been installed and shows up in the sidebar, open it and go to Integrations, and then click the orange '+' button in the lower right corner to add an integration. Search for “Hubitat” and install it.


Clone this repository and copy the custom_components/hubitat folder into your <config>/custom_components/ directory (so you end up with <config>/custom_components/hubitat).


The basic setup process is:

  1. Create a Maker API instance in Hubitat
  2. Add the devices you want to use in HA to the Maker API instance
  3. Setup the integration in HA

First, create a Maker API instance in the Hubitat UI. Add whatever devices you’d like to make available to Home Assistant. If you plan to use the integration over SSL, you‘ll probably want to enable the “Ignore SSL Certificates” toggle.

To configure the Hubitat integration, go to Configuration -> Integrations in the Home Assistant UI and click the “+” button to add a new integration. Pick “Hubitat”, then provide:

  • The address of the hub (e.g., or just if you’re not using https)
  • The app ID of the Maker API instance (the 2, 3 or 4 digit number after /apps/api/ in any of the Maker API URLs)
  • The API access token
  • Optional: An address for the event server to listen on (more about this below); this will be chosen automatically by default
  • Optional: A port for the event server to listen on (more about this below); this will be chosen automatically by default
  • Optional: Provide the relative paths to an SSL private key and certificate (e.g., ssl/localhost-key.pem and ssl/localhost.pem). These are files that you will need to generate using a tool such as mkcert or openssl If these paths are provided, the event server (described below) will serve over SSL (and only over SSL).

Event server

Hubitat’s official way to push events to receivers is via HTTP POST requests. Every time a device event occurs, the Maker API will make an HTTP POST request to the address set in its “URL to send device events to by POST” setting.

To receive these events, the integration starts up a Python-based web server and updates the POST URL setting in the Maker API instance. Note that for this to work, Hubitat must be able to see your Home Assistant server on your local network.

⚠️ Note that the event server URL, if specified, should only include a protocol and a host, not a path. The server always listens at /.

Device types

The integration assigns Home Assistant device classes based on the capabilities reported by Hubitat. Sometimes the device type is ambiguous; a switchable outlet and a light switch may both only implement Hubitat’s Switch capability, and will therefore look like the same type of device to the integration. In some of these cases, the integration guesses the device class based on the device’s label (e.g., a switch named “Office Lamp” would be setup as a light in Home Assistant). This heuristic behavior is currently only used for lights and switches.

Adding new devices

After adding new devices to the Maker API instance in Hubitat, you will not be able to control them through Home Assistant until the you reload the device list in the integration. There are two ways to reload the device list:

  1. Restart Home Assistant
  2. Open the Hubitat integration settings in Home Assistant and go through the config flow. During this process the integration will reload the device list from Hubitat.

Once the integration has loaded the new device list, any new devices added to the Maker API instance should show up in Home Assistant.

Removing devices

To remove a device, first remove or disable it in the Maker API instance in Hubitat. Then open the Hubitat integration settings in Home Assistant and go through the config flow. One of the steps in the flow is "Remove devices" -- this will allow you to remove any devices added by the integration.

Note that removing a device through the config flow in Home Assistant but not removing it in the Maker API in Hubitat will cause the device to be re-added the next time the integration loads (usually when you restart Home Assistant).


This integration adds several service calls to Home Assistant.

  • Delete the alarm code at a given position in a lock or keypad
    service: hubitat.clear_code
      entity_id: lock.some_lock
      position: 1
  • Set a user code for a lock or keypad
    service: hubitat.set_code
      entity_id: lock.some_lock
      position: 1
      code: 5213
      name: Guests
  • Set the length of user codes for a lock or keypad
    service: hubitat.set_code_length
      entity_id: lock.some_lock
      length: 4
  • Get the user codes for a lock or keypad
    service: hubitat.get_codes
      entity_id: lock.some_lock
    response_variable: codes
  • Set the entry delay for a security keypad in seconds
    service: hubitat.set_entry_delay
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.some_alarm
      delay: 30
  • Set the exit delay for a security keypad in seconds
    service: hubitat.set_exit_delay
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.some_alarm
      delay: 30
  • Send a command to a Hubitat device
    service: hubitat.send_command
      entity_id: switch.some_switch
      command: on
    service: hubitat.send_command
      entity_id: light.some_light
      command: setHue
      args: 75
    service: hubitat.send_command
      entity_id: light.some_light
      command: setLevel
      args: [50, 3]

Event-emitting devices

Some devices, such as pushable buttons, emit events rather than having state. Other devices such as locks both emit events and have state. Devices that only contain event emitters and have no stateful components won’t have any associated entities in Home Assistant.

Event emitting devices can be used as triggers in Home Assistant automations, or in Node Red. In Home Assistant, you can use event emitters as “Device” triggers. Whenever a device emits an event, such as a button press, the automation will be triggered. In Node Red, a workflow can listen for hubitat_event events and filter them based on properties in payload.event.


The update process depends on how the integration was installed. If it was installed with HACS, open the integration in HACS and click the “Upgrade” link. The process for manually updating is the same as for manual installation.

Note that you will need to restart Home Assistant after updating, whichever method is used.


Devices aren't updating

If the integration was set up successfully but devices aren't updating, the problem is almost always that Hubitat is unable to send messages to Home Assistant. Just because HA can talk to Hubitat does not mean that Hubitat can talk back to HA. This usually happens when Home Assistant is running in a VM or Docker container that hasn't been bridged to the local network. In this situation, the URL that the integration tells Maker API to send device events to will be an address on the virtualization system's internal network, which Hubitat won't be able to address.

There are two solutions. One is to update the container or VM to use network bridging, so that the virtual system appears like a host on the local network. In this situation, HA's network address will be directly visible to Hubitat, so the integration will be able to set things up automatically.

The second solution is to manually set the event server URL and port values in the integration to something that Hubitat can see. The event server URL should point to the host that's running your Home Assistant VM or container. For example, if the host running the HA instance is on the local network at, then the event server URL would be set to The port should be set to some open port value (e.g., 12345), and then this port must be mapped from the host to the HA VM/container.

⚠️ Note that the event server URL should only include a protocol and a host, not a path. The server always listens at /.

Checking device capabilities

If a device isn't showing up in Home Assistant in the way you expect (like, a fan is showing up as a light), the problem may be that this integration is having trouble telling what kind of device it is. The integration uses "capability" information from the Maker API to determine what type of device a given device is.

You can display the capabilities for a particular device, along with other information, by making a request to the Maker API:

$ curl 'http://HUBITAT_ADDRESS/apps/api/MAKER_API_ID/devices/DEVICE_ID?access_token=TOKEN&prettyPrint=true

If you open your Maker API instance in Hubitat, example URLs are shown at the bottom of the page. You can query these URLs using a command like command like curl, as show above, or in a browser. You should see output like:

(Expand for sample output)
    "id": "2178",
    "name": "Virtual RGB light",
    "label": "Virtual RGB light",
    "attributes": [
            "name": "RGB",
            "currentValue": null,
            "dataType": "STRING"
            "name": "color",
            "currentValue": null,
            "dataType": "STRING"
            "name": "colorName",
            "currentValue": "Blue",
            "dataType": "STRING"
            "name": "hue",
            "currentValue": 66,
            "dataType": "NUMBER"
            "name": "level",
            "currentValue": 74,
            "dataType": "NUMBER"
            "name": "saturation",
            "currentValue": 57,
            "dataType": "NUMBER"
            "name": "switch",
            "currentValue": "on",
            "dataType": "ENUM",
            "values": [
            "name": "switch",
            "currentValue": "on",
            "dataType": "ENUM",
            "values": [
    "capabilities": [
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "switch",
                    "dataType": null
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "level",
                    "dataType": null
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "hue",
                    "dataType": null
                    "name": "saturation",
                    "dataType": null
                    "name": "color",
                    "dataType": null
                    "name": "colorName",
                    "dataType": null
                    "name": "RGB",
                    "dataType": null
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "switch",
                    "dataType": null
    "commands": [

If you open an issue for a broken device, this information may be useful to include.


If you run into problems, one of the first steps to take is to enable debug logging for the Hubitat integration. This will provide more insight into what the integration is doing, and may help track down problems. To enable debug logging:

  1. Open your Home Assistant configuration.yaml file in an editor
  2. Add the following content. If you already have a logger section, add the hubitatmaker and custom_components.hubitat lines to it.
      default: info
        hubitatmaker: debug
        custom_components.hubitat: debug
  3. Restart Home Assistant

If you open Home Assistant's log file (config/home-assistant.log) after HA restarts, you should see quite a few messages related to Hubitat (mixed in with messages for other components), like:

2020-05-19 08:28:07 DEBUG (MainThread) [hubitatmaker.hub] Setting host to
2020-05-19 08:28:07 DEBUG (MainThread) [hubitatmaker.hub] Set mac to ab:cd:ef:12:34:56
2020-05-19 08:28:07 INFO (MainThread) [hubitatmaker.hub] Created hub <Hub host= app_id=2269>
2020-05-19 08:28:07 DEBUG (MainThread) [hubitatmaker.hub] Listening on
2020-05-19 08:28:07 INFO (MainThread) [hubitatmaker.hub] Setting event update URL to
2020-05-19 08:28:08 DEBUG (MainThread) [hubitatmaker.hub] Loaded device list
2020-05-19 08:28:08 DEBUG (MainThread) [hubitatmaker.hub] Loading device 6
2020-05-19 08:28:08 DEBUG (MainThread) [hubitatmaker.hub] Loaded device 6
2020-05-19 08:28:08 DEBUG (MainThread) [hubitatmaker.hub] Loading device 14
2020-05-19 08:28:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.hubitat.entities] Migrating unique_ids for binary_sensor...
2020-05-19 08:28:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.hubitat.entities] Checking for existence of entity
2020-05-19 08:28:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.hubitat.entities] Checking for existence of entity
2020-05-19 08:28:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.hubitat.entities] Checking for existence of entity
2020-05-19 08:28:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.hubitat.entities] Checking for existence of entity
2020-05-19 08:28:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.hubitat.entities] Added HubitatAccelerationSensor entities: [<Entity Barn Sensor acceleration: off>, <Entity Garage Sensor acceleration: off>, <Entity Garage Door Sensor acceleration: off>, <Entity Breezeway Sensor acceleration: off>]
2020-05-19 08:28:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.hubitat.device_trigger] Attaching trigger {'platform': 'event', 'event_type': 'hubitat_event', 'event_data': {'device_id': '180', 'name': 'pushed', 'value': '1'}}
2020-05-19 08:28:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.hubitat.light] Turning off Basement Hearth Lights
2020-05-19 08:28:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [hubitatmaker.hub] Sending command off() to 1510

HSM status or modes not updating

Ensure that the “POST location events?” toggle is enabled in your Maker API app in Hubitat.


To get setup for development, clone this repo and run

$ ./dev init

This script will setup the tools needed to validate typings and code style. Whenever you make a commit to the repo, validators will be automatically run.

To run the type checker and unit tests, run

$ ./dev test

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