This is Xiaotao Shen.
I am a Nanyang Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) at Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University Singapore. My overarching research interests are bioinformatics algorithms development for multi-omics data and their application to precision medicine. Specifically, I am interested in bioinformatics algorithm development, including 1) Comprehensive analysis workflow and deep learning for LC-MS data, 2) Metabolic network analysis, 3) Wearable and multi-omics data integration, and 4) microbiome and metabolome data integration. I also employed the developed bioinformatics algorithms as a unique systems biology approach to study the potential biomarkers and mechanisms of 1) pregnancy and related diseases, 2) aging and related diseases, and 3) cancer.
- 💬 Ask me about metabolomics, bioinformatics, computational biology, and systems biology.
- 📩 Email [email protected]
- 🏠 Personal website
- 🏠 Shen Lab website
- 💬 WeChat jaspershen1990
- 🐦 Twitter xiaotaoshen1990
- tidymass project
- deepPsedoMSI project
- tidymicrobiome project
- tidywearable project