- 👇 Build, start, stop instances, in one click (only with VS Code).
You can run most of the tasks using bottom taskbar buttons.
Or open the command palette and type
Tasks: Run Task
and choosing one of the returned options.
git clone https://github.com/javierobcn/Notas.git
cd notas
Run Install Tools button from VS Code taskbar
or execute:
sh -c "$(curl --location https://taskfile.dev/install.sh)" -- -d && \
echo "alias task='bin/task'" >> ~/.bashrc && \
source ~/.bashrc
Starting all you need from docker-compose.yml
. It will launch a browser window pointing to "http://localhost:8069".
task start
Put your documents in folder docs, see your documents in http://localhost:8000
You will need rclone for sync your site folder with ftp remote. Configure a remote in rclone to your site and change docker compose
task mkdocs-publish