This project is built using create-react-app. My goal for this project is to practice React concepts such as useState, props, one-way data flow, the array .map function, lifting state up techinque and conditional rendering. While also taking into account React's best practices. Also, this project made me realice the importance of the key prop and how it should be used when the state needs to be reset. This is caused by the React Diffing algorithm which notices the element and the position are the same so the state is preserved which is an undesired conduct.
The project's main functionality is to keep track of how much money you owe to your friends and how much money your friends owe you. You are given an initial set of friends and you can add more friends and generate a random image with this link: This link recieves a parameter "u" and a string which generates the image.
The project does not focus too much on a responsive design but instead focuses on putting into practice important and useful React concepts. So, it is best to view the project on a laptop or a desktop computer.