Various PlatformIO projects exploring TTGO LoRa boards.
- ESP32
- SX1276 LoRa chip
- TP4054 Battery management
- CP2102 USB interface
- SSD1306 0.96 inch 128X64 OLED
- 32MB flash
- User LED = IO25
- ESP32 Rev1
- NEO-6M GPS Module
- AXP192 Battery management
- CP2104-GMR USB interface
- SSD1306 0.96 inch 128X64 OLED
- 4MB Flash
- No user LED (but possibility to repurpose AXP Charging LED)
- LoRa Library
- LoRa Library API
- Frequency Plans (TTN)
- ThingPulse SSD1306Wire Library
- - lots of exapmles and links to datasheets etc.
- #149 ESP32 Deep Sleep, RTC Memory, "Secret" LoLin Pins
- #172 Hidden: ESP32 and ESP8266 point-to-point (ESP-Now): Fast and efficient. Comparison with LoRa
- #188 Antenna Tutorial incl. cheap DIY Antenna Tester (LoRa, ESP32)
- #224 Are these boards ok? New LoRa boards tested (mainly TTGO ESP32)
- #252 ESP32 Ultra Low Power (ULP) core made easy in the Arduino IDE including 100$ challenge
- #264 PlatformIO for Arduino, ESP8266, and ESP32 Tutorial
- #328 ESP32 Secrets: Interrupts, and Deep-Sleep under the Hood
- #337 LoRa Mesh Communication without Infrastructure: The Meshtastic Project (ESP32, BLE, GPS)
- Which ESP32 pins are safe to use?
- ESP32 Pins.xlsx