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Walkthrough: Installing the ATTiny_Daemon in 10 Easy Steps

jbaumann edited this page Oct 19, 2020 · 4 revisions


Even though I‘ve tried to put all the needed information to build and install your own ATTiny Daemon without problems, I understand that this is a lot of information to process. Providing a structured way through this might help you getting the system up and running as fast as possible.

So let us walk through the whole process step by step.

  1. Get the PCB and the parts and build the hardware: Assembling the ATTiny_Daemon Hardware

  2. Modify the UPS hardware if necessary

  1. Program the ATTiny: Programming the ATTiny

  2. (Optional) Burn the Fuses of the ATTiny: Burning the Fuses

  3. Install the hardware: Connecting the ATTiny_Daemon Hardware

  4. Install the daemon that controls the system on the Raspberry Pi: Installation on the Raspberry Pi

  5. Understand and adapt the config file for the daemon: The Config File

  6. Understand the system: Power Limitations of the Geekworm UPS HAT, Energy consumption, Using the Switch pin, The combined button/LED pin, The Ext_V pin and its uses, Measuring the Temperature, Compensating Measurement Errors, Batteries and the different Voltage Levels, Timeout vs. Sleeptime

  7. Turn on the full functionality of the system: Priming the System

  8. (Optional) Read the rest of the Wiki for additional information.