This page lists each script in this repo and a short description of what it does. The scripts contain comments that document what the code is doing.
- A bash script that reads user input to download and extract a tarball from one of several AWS S3 buckets.
- A bash script that builds a Jekyll based static site and validates the HTML (e.g., links, well-formed HTML).
- A bash script that downloads a tarball from a URL via a curl command and extracts to a web server.''
- jekyll-gulp.js: A typical Gulp file used to build a Jekyll static site. Includes HTML validation and minification.
- jekyll-rakefile.rb: A typical Ruby makefile used to build a Jekyll static site. Includes HTML validation and minification.
- open-mobile-nav.js: Custom JS that uses jQuery to show the TOC for API reference topics after clicking the mobile-nav hamburger menu.
- prevent-default.js: Custom JS that uses jQuery to prevent a page from refreshing when clicking on an active TOC link.
- scrollspy.js: Custom JS that uses jQuery to ensures h2 elements are formatted correctly so that the MaterializeCSS framework can display headings on a page and produce a scrollspy effect depending on scroll position.