ID | User Story | Accepted |
US001 | As a user, I want to add a recipe with ingredients and instructions, so I remember how to prepare my favorite dishes. | true |
US002 | As a user, I want to tag my recipes with different categories, so recipes are easier to find. A recipe can have many tags and a tag can have many recipes. | true |
US003 | As a user, I want to be able to update and delete tags, so I can have flexibility with how I categorize recipes. | true |
US004 | As a user, I want to edit my recipes, so I can make improvements or corrections to my recipes. | true |
US005 | As a user, I want to be able to delete recipes I don't like or use, so I don't have to see them as choices. | true |
US006 | As a user, I want to rate my recipes, so I know which ones are the best. | true |
US007 | As a user, I want to list my recipes by highest rated so I can see which ones I like the best. | true |
US008 | As a user, I want to see all recipes that use a certain ingredient, so I can more easily find recipes for the ingredients I have. | true |
- Internet browser of choice, Chrome recommended.
- A code editor such as VSCode or Atom.
- Install .NET core: MacOS & PC.
- Install MySQL: MacOS & PC.
- Install MySQL Workbench: Find appropriate version here.
- Click on the link to my repository on github here.
- Click on the green "Code" link near the top and above the
- Alternatively open your terminal and use the command
git clone
into the directory you would like to clone the repository. - Open in text editor to view code.
- Download .NET Core SDK (Software Development Kit). Clicking this link will prompt a file download for your particular OS from Microsoft.
- Open the file. Follow the installation steps.
- Confirm the installation is successful by opening your terminal and running the command
dotnet --version
. The response should be something similar to this:2.2.105
. This means it was successfully installed.
- Navigate to the PROJECTNAME.Solution/PROJECTNAME directory in terminal.
- Run command
dotnet ef database update
to generate database. - Run command
dotnet ef migrations add [MIGRATIONNAME]
anddotnet ef database update
if you're making changes to the database. - To access your database that you've set up in MySQL workbench add the following code into a
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=Jeff_Chiu_PROJECTNAME;uid=root;pwd=YourPassword;"
- Change server, port and UID as necessary.
- Open MySQL and enter password.
- Go to nav bar and click on
and thenData Import
. - Use the option
Import from Self-Contained File
. - Set
Default Target Schema
or create a new. - Select all schema objects you wnat to import and the option
Dump Structure and Data
is selected. - Click
Start Import
. - Optionally, using your SQL management program, paste the following schema statement to reproduce the database:
- To view in browser, navigate to
in the command line. - Use command
dotnet build
anddotnet run
to start a local version of the page. - Navigate to http://localhost:5000
If any errors or bugs occur please email me here.
- .NET Core 2.2
- Bootstrap
- C# 7.3
- Entity
- Razor
- VS Code
This software is licensed under the MIT License.