This project implements a small command line utility to backup and restore node classification data. The intended purpose is to backup node classification groups on a Primary, monolithic PE master and restore the backup on a secondary monolithic PE master. The purpose is to keep node classification groups in sync and ready in the event the secondary master needs to take over service from the primary.
To achieve the goal of replicating node classification groups from one PE
monolithic master to a secondary monolithic master, certain values need to be
transformed. For example, consider a primary named master1.puppet.vm
and a
secondary named master2.puppet.vm
Both are monolithic masters. When the
backup is taken on the primary, the hostname will be embedded in the data. This
is problematic because it will cause mis-configuration errors when imported into
the secondary which has a different name.
To illustrate, consider the PuppetDB classification group:
"name": "PE PuppetDB",
"rule": [
"classes": {
"puppet_enterprise::profile::puppetdb": {
Transformation from master1 to master2 is possible:
export PATH="/opt/pupeptlabs/puppet/bin:$PATH"
ncio --uri https://master1.puppet.vm:4433/classification-api/v1 backup \
| ncio transform --hostname master1.puppet.vm:master2.puppet.vm \
| ncio --uri https://master2.puppet.vm:4433/classification-api/v1 restore
This method of "replicating" node classification data has some caveats. It's
only been tested on PE Monolithic masters. The method assumes master1 and
master2 share the same Certificate Authority. By default, only the default
classification groups are transformed.
Additional groups and classes may be processed by chaining transfomation
processes and getting creative with the use of the --class-matcher
Install this tool on the same node running the node classification service:
$ sudo /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install ncio
Successfully installed ncio-0.1.0
Parsing documentation for ncio-0.1.0
Installing ri documentation for ncio-0.1.0
Done installing documentation for ncio after 0 seconds
1 gem installed
Ncio will attempt to use the host certificate from
if it exists on the same node as
the Node Classifier. If this certificate has sufficient access then no
configuration is necessary. The default options will work to backup and restore
node classification data.
sudo -H -u pe-puppet /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/ncio backup > /var/tmp/backup.json
I, [2016-06-28T19:25:55.507684 #2992] INFO -- : Backup completed successfully!
If this file does not exist, ncio will need to use a different client
certificate. It is recommended to use the same certificate used by the Puppet
Agent, which should be white-listed for node classification API access. The
white-list of certificates is located at
sudo -H -u pe-puppet /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/ncio \
--cert /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/${HOSTNAME}.pem \
--key /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/${HOSTNAME}.pem \
backup > /var/tmp/backup.json
I, [2016-06-28T19:28:48.236257 #3148] INFO -- : Backup completed successfully!
The status of backup and restore operations are logged to the syslog by default.
The daemon
facility is used to ensure messages are written to files on a wide
variety of systems that log daemon messages by default. A general exception
handler will log a backtrace in JSON format to help log processors and
notification systems like Splunk and Logstash.
Here's an example of a failed restore triggering the catch all handler:
Jun 29 12:12:21 Jeff-McCune ncio[51474]: ERROR Restoring backup: {
"error": "RuntimeError",
"message": "Some random error",
"backtrace": [
"/Users/jeff/projects/puppet/ncio/lib/ncio/app.rb:94:in `restore_groups'",
"/Users/jeff/projects/puppet/ncio/lib/ncio/app.rb:59:in `run'",
"/Users/jeff/projects/puppet/ncio/exe/ncio:5:in `<top (required)>'"
Log to the console using the --no-syslog
command line option.
ncio --no-syslog restore --file backup.json
The tool can only log to either syslog or the console at this time. Multiple log destinations are not currently supported.
It can take some time for the pe-console-services
service to come online. In
an effort to make things are robust as possible consider using the
global option. This allows ncio to retry API connections
while the service comes online. This option has been added to address the
following use case:
service start pe-console-services.service
ncio --retry-connections backup
In this scenario ncio will retry API connections, eventually succeeding or timing out. Ideally the service will come online before the timeout expires.
A simple way to replicate node classification data between a primary and a secondary can be achieved with the following shell script. Call this from cron on a periodic basis:
#! /bin/bash
# This shell script is intended to be executed from cron on a periodic basis.
# The goal is to keep a Standby PE Monolithic master in sync with an active
# Primary. Pass the FQDN of the primary as ARG 1 and the FQDN of the secondary
# as ARG 2
# In a DR situation when the secondary becomes active, block replication by
# touching the lockfile. This will prevent any changes made to the standby from
# being clobbered as soon as the primary comes back online.
# Prior to re-enabling replication after a DR situation, replicate back to the
# primary by reversing the direction of this script.
set -euo pipefail
log() {
logger -t ncio-replicate -p daemon.warn -s "$1"
if [[ -e "$lockfile" ]]; then
log "WARN: Replication aborted, $lockfile exists!"
exit 1
ncio --uri "$SOURCE" --retry-connections backup \
| ncio transform --hostname "${PRIMARY}:${STANDBY}" \
| ncio --retry-connections restore
[[ $rval -eq 0 ]] && STATUS='OK' || STATUS='ERROR'
msg="INFO: Finished replicating puppet classification groups."
log "$msg STATUS=${STATUS} EXITCODE=${rval} (touch $lockfile to disable)"
exit $rval
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.