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A boilerplate for a game project

To use it, just unpack the archive placed in compressed/ to the directory of your desire.

Directory structure

Basic directory structure with some explanations:

  • example
  • files specific to the example solar system project
  • game
  • core system, including GAME.InputHandler, GAME.Scene, GAME.Assets etc. ( will be explained later in this document)
  • hud
  • all files connected to the HUD system

How to use

You can look at a basic bootstrap code in scripts/

The most important thing you need is a GAME.Game instance (all examples will be written in CoffeeScript)

// first, we take a DOM element which will be the container for the view
screen = document.getElementById("screen")

// then, we create the game instance
game = new GAME.Game(screen)

We can call just after this code is written, but we would like to have some scene and controls, right? To do so, we need to extend a GAME.Scene class to create a new scene, and GAME.InputHandler to add new input controls. You can see an example in scripts/example/ and scripts/example/

One note: there can be set only one scene at a time, but many input handlers can coexist. So for example, you can have a separate input handler for movement, a separate for shooting a gun and a separate for punching.

Another important thing is an asset loader. In scripts/game/ you can look at GAME.Loader class, which extends GAME.Scene. This class uses GAME.AssetManager as a loader and also preloader (a loader which loads only the files needed to be shown when the game is loading). You can extend the GAME.AssetManager class, by adding new asset types. This class uses UAM.js library for this.

HUD class is intended to be used in some manner like flash in AAA games - you can create HUD and Menu views using HTML5, and react on the data flow between the HUD and game with angular code. You can create additional controllers by extending the GAME.HUDComponent class and adding it to the HUD like this:

class ExampleComponent extends GAME.HUDComponent
    // app is an angular module, you can use it
    // to create controllers, services, directives etc.
    // For more details, please look at the angular docs
    constructor: (app) ->
        app.controller('example', () ->
            $scope.init = () ->
                ... some code ...


hud = new GAME.HUDMenu(game, document.getElementById("hud"))

You can add the needed dependencies in the class GAME.HUDMenu (scripts/hud/, in _createConfig() method.


A boilerplate for a game project






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