This repository contains a demo that shows how to use custom metrics to autoscale an Application. When combined with Virtual Kubelet, this lets you scale quickly to virtual nodes where you'll pay only for the container instance runtime. This repository will guide you through first installing the Prometheus Operator, followed by creating a Prometheus instance and installing the Prometheus Metric Adapter. With these in place, the provided Helm chart will install our demo application, along with supporting monitoring components, like a ServiceMonitor for Prometheus, a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler, and a custom container that will count the instances of the application and expose them to Prometheus.
The container counter can be found at
We will use the Prometheus Operator to create the Prometheus cluster and to create the relevant configuration to monitor our app. So first, install the operator:
kubectl apply -f
This will create a number of CRDs, Service Accounts and RBAC things. Once it's finished, you'll have the Prometheus Operator, but not a Prometheus instance. You'll need to create one of those next.
kubectl apply -f prometheus-config/prometheus
This will create a single replica Prometheus instance.
kubectl expose pod prometheus-prometheus-0 --port 9090 --target-port 9090
You will need your Virtual Kubelet node name to install the app. The app will install a counter that will get the pod count for the application and provide a metric for pods on Virtual Kubelet and pods on all other nodes.
$ kubectl get nodes
aks-nodepool1-30440750-0 Ready agent 27d v1.10.6
aks-nodepool1-30440750-1 Ready agent 27d v1.10.6
aks-nodepool1-30440750-2 Ready agent 27d v1.10.6
virtual-kubelet Ready agent 16h v1.8.3
In this case, it's Virtual Kubelet. If you've installed with the ACI Connector, you may have a node name like virtual-kubelet-aci-connector-linux-westcentralus.
Export the node name to an environment variable
$ export VK_NODE_NAME=<your_node_name>
helm install ./charts/adoptdog --name rps-prom --set counter.specialNodeName=$VK_NODE_NAME
This will deploy with an ingress and should create the HPA, Prometheus ServiceMonitor and everything else needed, except the adapter. Do that next.
Change the values.yaml as needed (especially for ingress)
helm install stable/prometheus-adapter --name prometheus-adaptor -f prometheus-config/prometheus-adapter/values.yaml
NOTE: if you have the Azure application insights adapter installed, you'll need to remove that first.
There might be some lag time between when you create the adapter and when the metrics are available.
kubectl get --raw /apis/*/requests_per_second | jq .
This should show metrics if everything is setup correctly. Example:
$ kubectl get --raw /apis/*/requests_per_second | jq .
"kind": "MetricValueList",
"apiVersion": "",
"metadata": {
"selfLink": "/apis/"
"items": [
"describedObject": {
"kind": "Pod",
"namespace": "default",
"name": "rps-prom-adoptdog-8684976576-7hvc9",
"apiVersion": "/__internal"
"metricName": "requests_per_second",
"timestamp": "2018-09-05T03:57:44Z",
"value": "0"
"describedObject": {
"kind": "Pod",
"namespace": "default",
"name": "rps-prom-adoptdog-8684976576-p6wm7",
"apiVersion": "/__internal"
"metricName": "requests_per_second",
"timestamp": "2018-09-05T03:57:44Z",
"value": "0"
I've been using Hey
export GOPATH=~/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
go get -u
hey -z 20m http://<whatever-the-ingress-url-is>
$ kubectl get hpa rps-prom-adoptdog -w
rps-prom-adoptdog Deployment/rps-prom-adoptdog 0 / 10 2 10 2 4m
rps-prom-adoptdog Deployment/rps-prom-adoptdog 128500m / 10 2 10 2 4m
rps-prom-adoptdog Deployment/rps-prom-adoptdog 170500m / 10 2 10 4 5m
rps-prom-adoptdog Deployment/rps-prom-adoptdog 111500m / 10 2 10 4 5m
rps-prom-adoptdog Deployment/rps-prom-adoptdog 95250m / 10 2 10 4 6m
rps-prom-adoptdog Deployment/rps-prom-adoptdog 141 / 10 2 10 4 6m
Overtime, this should go up.
Rounded average requests per second per container
Rounded total requests per second
Individual number of data points, should correspond to number of containers
The number of containers running, per the counter
Average response time in seconds:
avg(request_durations_histogram_secs_sum / request_durations_histogram_secs_count)