This repository contains the backend source code for an E-commerce web application built using SpringBoot for the backend, Angular for the frontend, Keycloak for authentication and authorization, and MySQL for the database. The application is specifically tailored for an online bookstore.
- User Authentication: Utilizes Keycloak for secure user authentication and authorization.
- Product Management: Allows administrators to manage products, including adding, updating, and deleting products.
- Shopping Cart: Users can browse products, add them to a shopping cart, and proceed to checkout.
- Order Management: Supports order creation, tracking, and history for users.
- RESTful APIs: Backend services are exposed via RESTful APIs, providing flexibility for future enhancements or integrations.
- SpringBoot: Java-based framework for building backend services.
- Angular: TypeScript-based framework for building dynamic web applications.
- Keycloak: Open-source Identity and Access Management solution for securing applications and services.
- MySQL: Relational database management system for data storage.
- Angular Material: Material Design components for Angular applications.
- Bootstrap: Frontend framework for responsive design.
Admin Dashboard- Manage products:
Admin Dashboard - Manage clients:
Admin Dashboard - Manage Orders:
Before running the application, ensure you have the following installed:
- Java Development Kit (JDK)
- Node.js and npm
- Angular CLI
- MySQL Server
- Keycloak Server
Clone the frontend repository:
git clone
Clone the backend repository:
git clone
- Running Keycloak manually (Make sure that you have installed Keycloak to your local machine): Navigate to Keycloak directory and run Keycloak Server:
On Linux, run:
bin/ start-dev
On Windows, run:
cd <YOUR_PATH>\bin
kc.bat start-dev
Access Keycloak Admin Console at http://localhost:8080/admin
username: keycloak
password: MyPassword$
Navigate to the backend directory and run the SpringBoot application:
cd <YOUR_PATH>\ecommerce-backend mvn clean install mvn spring-boot:run
Navigate to the frontend directory and install dependencies:
cd <YOUR_PATH>\ecommerce-frontend npm install
Run the Angular application:
npm start
Access the application in your web browser at
Configure MySQL database connection settings and Keycloak settings in
file located in thebackend/src/main/resources
directory. -
Configure Keycloak settings in the Angular environment files located in the
- Visit
in your web browser to access the application. - Use the provided login interface to authenticate. You can use the default admin credentials for testing or create a new account.
- Navigate through the bookstore, add products to your cart, and complete the checkout process.
- (ADMIN) Username: Password: admin
- (USER) Username: Password: darth
- (USER) Username: Password: ahsoka
- (USER) Username: Password: obiwan
- (USER) Username: Password: testuser
- (USER) Username: Password: testuser