A toolbox for neovim to put your custom neovim functions, all invokable from vim.ui.select!
return {
config = function()
require('toolbox').setup {
commands = {
--replace the bottom few with your own custom functions
name = 'Format Json',
execute = "%!jq '.'",
require_input = true,
name = 'Try in visual mode!', --this works in visual mode as well!
execute = 's/leader/thing',
name = 'Inspect Vim Table',
execute = function(v)
name = 'Copy Vim Table To Clipboard',
execute = function(v)
vim.fn.setreg('+', vim.inspect(v))
name = 'Reload plugin',
execute = function(name)
package.loaded[name] = nil
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'v' }, '<leader>st', require('toolbox').show_picker, { desc = '[S]earch [T]oolbox' })
commands = {
--Note this is the identifier for the command as well
--@type string
name = ""
--if it is a function and it requires no params, it will be immediately invoked
--if it requires params, it will be shown in the command line
--if it is a string, it will be invoked via vim.cmd, similar to `:`
--@type string|function
execute = "" | function() end
--if set for string commands, it will populate the `:` command
--@type bool
require_input = false,
- Make it work in visual mode (Done)