Source code of simulations presented in manuscript "Analysis of Realistic Attack Scenarios in Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks" (presented on ISDFS2019).
Supported configuration: OMNeT++ 5.2, SUMO 0.30.0, Veins 4.6
- Install OMNeT++ 5.2 and SUMO 0.30.0.
- Copy veins-veins-4.6 into samples directory of your OMNeT++ installation and import project into OMNeT++ (File > Import > General: Existing Projects into Workspace).
- Copy Secure_Inter_Vehicle_Communication_Scenario1-3 into samples directory of your OMNeT++ installation and import project into OMNeT++ (File > Import > General: Existing Projects into Workspace).
- Compile selected project using Project > Build Project.