There are a lot of Jovo examples around but I did not find any project template that served my use case: this is why I collected pieces and examples on the web, Slack channels, forums, docs and what I learned from personal communication (especially thanks for that!). I used the results to prepare this template project which hopefully serves a lot of users to find their way into Jovo.
This Jovo V4 example project includes the following features:
- Configuration prepared for stages PROD and DEV (including different product and invocation names for PROD and DEV for easier testing and maintenance )
- Generated code deploys to Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant
- Simple Pizza Party example shows usage of Jovo V4 component concept (reusable YesNoChoiceComponent.ts)
- Implements i18n (currently "de", "en")
- Configuration prepared for locales 'de-DE' and locales 'en-US', 'en-GB', 'en-AU', 'en-CA', 'en-IN'
- Shows implementation for platform specific intents AMAZON.StopIntent, AMAZON.CancelIntent, AMAZON.HelpIntent, AMAZON.RepeatIntent, AMAZON.StartOverIntent, AMAZON.YesIntent, AMAZON.NoIntent.
- Learn how to configure Alexa Card support
- Localized i18n "quick replies" for both Google Assistant and Echo Show devices
- Shows how to add an APL (Alexa Presentation Language) document to Echo Show devices ("Good Bye" page example)
- Prepared examples how to define and run locale specific test cases using jest for some basic intents (run npm test)
- Bonus Time Saver: how to maintain all those necessary entries for the Amazon/Google marketplaces from file while avoiding duplicate maintenance.
Nice: The generated code artifacts validate within Developer/Google Console, so the results are technically ready for deployment: this means more time for you to focus on your use case!
For sure there is a lot to improve. Let me know what you think. Comments welcome!