With joede-geany-themes
, I've started to bundle my personal color schemes
for Geany into a collection. I've used the bright schemes for some years now,
but I want to switch to a dark GNOME theme.
I use named colors instead of the assignment of color codes. This way, the configuration file is easier to read and the risk of (unwanted) similar colors is reduced.
All of the themes comes with a sample image of the color palette. This file is
available inside the tools
To get my schemes to work, simply copy the files from colorschemes
below the local configuration directory of Geany. It can be found
at ~/.config/geany/colorschemes
The bright schemes differ in the color of the background and the color of the current line. The assignments of the colors to the styles is equal.
After playing with dark GNOME themes (ARC and global dard Adwaita), I've put together a matching dark scheme. My main focus was a good but not too hard contrast of colors and a less colorfull look and feel.
For joede-anthracite-2
, I've played with Orange and Cyan. Most of the other
style assignments are unchanged. The color palette is equal.
Again I've played with my dark Geany schemes. I'm currently using the Adwaita-Dark scheme running Debian Stretch. Here the ARC background isn't looking that good. Based on the anthracite color palette above, I've added the grey values of GNOME. The "darker" theme has a sligthly darker background.
As before, there is a variant "2" which uses orange keywords.