Templated factorio server using terraform with an AWS provider and ansible configuration.
Uses this role: https://github.com/bplower/ansible-factorio
You will need an existing EBS volume in AWS with a tag Name=factorio_saves
. This is where your save games will be stored. This infrastructure is designed to expect an existing EBS resource to ensure that terraform will never try to regenerate it.
Instructions are written using Ubuntu as localhost. You will need terraform, python3, and pip3 installed locally.
$ git clone [email protected]:jonathonball/factorio-server.git
$ cd factorio-server
$ mkdir -p ~/.ansible/factorio-tmp
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible/ansible/devel/contrib/inventory/ec2.py -O ec2.py
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
[venv] $ pip3 install ansible boto
[venv] $ ansible-galaxy install bplower.factorio
[venv] $ cp aws-creds.example.sh aws-creds.sh
[venv] $ vim aws-creds.sh
# Add you secrets
[venv] $ source aws-creds.sh
[venv] $ terraform init # if needed
[venv] $ terraform plan -out infra.plan
[venv] $ terraform apply "infra.plan"
[venv] $ ansible-playbook -i ec2.py playbooks/factorio-server.yaml