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JMBattista edited this page Oct 8, 2015 · 1 revision

Welcome to the angular-http-batcher wiki!


When working with angular-http-batcher you may sometimes want to disable batching for debug / testing purposes. The recommended way to do this is with the enabled flag in the configuration options (see:

// constant set in a different module
angular.module('myApp.constants', [])
   .constant('enableBatching', true);

angular.module('myApp', ['myApp.constants', 'jcs.angular-http-batch'])
      'httpBatchConfigProvider', 'enableBatching',
          function (httpBatchConfigProvider, 'enableBatching') {
                     // root endpoint url

                     // endpoint batch address

                     // optional configuration parameters
                        // the enabled flag
                        enabled: enableBatching
                        maxBatchedRequestPerCall: 20

By setting the enabled flag via a constant you can easily change it for debugging, but you can also disable the batcher when performing unit tests using the following pattern in your test setup. By placing the constant in a separate module we are able to override the constant before loading the module that contains the config block (which is run immediately).

// import the constants module

// override the constant
beforeEach(function() {
    module(function($provide) {
        $provide.constant('enableBatching', false);

// load the module that contains the config block
beforeEach(module('myApp') ....
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