A simple demo for pushing RTMP stream, using OpenCV + FFmpeg + Qt.
The video/audio source can be from a webcam or RTSP stream.
The RTMP stream destination can be nginx-rtmp, crtmpserver, etc.
Visual Studio 2019
Qt 6.7.0
Visual Studio 2019 Qt Plug-in
https://download.qt.io/official_releases/vsaddin/3.0.2/ -
Setting Qt version in Visual Studio after installation:
Extensions -> Qt VS Tools -> Qt Versions
OpenCV 4.7.0
Use CMake to configure and generate the build files.
Note: Enable WITH_FFMPEG
FFmpeg 2023-09-30 win64-gpl-shared
Use release build from here:
Source from local webcam
LiveRTMP.exe -camera -output rtmp://
Source from RTSP stream
LiveRTMP.exe -src rtsp:// -output rtmp://
The argument after -output
points to the RTMP server url.
I use nginx-rtmp as the RTMP server.