junkargs.py <binary> [arguments...]
Run executable with junk data as arguments.
Positional Arguments
binary: Path to the executable.
-h, --help: Show this help message and exit.
Description Run a binary with arguments generated on various criteria, intermixed with user-defined arguments.
Available Generators ascii: Generates a specified number of ASCII characters ('A'). nonprintable: Generates a specified number of non-printable characters. formatstrings: Generates a specified number of '%x' format strings. randombinary: Generates a specified number of random binary data (hex). randomascii: Generates a specified number of random ASCII characters. structured: Generates structured junk data by repeating 'ABCDEF'. unicode: Generates a specified number of Unicode characters. sqlinjection: Generates a specified number of characters from a SQL injection pattern. pathtraversal: Generates a specified number of characters for a path traversal attempt. cmdinjection: Generates a specified number of characters for a command injection attempt. htmljsinjection: Generates a specified number of characters for an HTML/JavaScript injection attempt. nullbytes: Generates a specified number of null bytes (as '\x00'). randomhex: Generates a specified number of random hex bytes. file:filename: Inserts the contents of the specified file.
└─# ./junkargs.py ./argv ascii:10 file:wat.txt randomascii:9
Generated command: ./argv 'AAAAAAAAAA' '/tmp/tmp4y1auujy' ':az]lEs"d'
Temporary file /tmp/tmp4y1auujy contains: b'killengn\n'
Running './argv' with 10 ASCII characters ('A'), file contents from wat.txt, random ASCII characters (9 characters)
Output: Number of arguments: 4
Argument 0: ./argv
Argument 1: AAAAAAAAAA
Argument 2: /tmp/tmp4y1auujy
Argument 3: :az]lEs"d
Return Code: 0