A Play application for keeping track of when I last fed my cat so he doesn't get fat.
I will feed my cat when I get home, he will finish his food before my girlfriend gets home, then she will arrive and assume I forgot to feed him (which sometimes is the case). She will feed him again, and the cat gets fat. This app should provide an elegant solution to subdue the chaos involved in feeding my cat.
An NFC tag is placed on the food container. Whenever someone feeds the cat, they first touch their smartphone to the tag. This will log the feeding, or notify them if this feeding is too close in time to the previous one and therefore should not occur.
![cat] (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/bhCYcXh67GhTLuh46xxzB5ezlqemRMHpOp6--XKWV7M=w349-h404-no)