Takes an xml output from a recruitment database and displays it using various parameters.
This version takes all jobs, sorts them by category of job and displays them alphabetically. A dropdown menu allows you to filter all jobs by category.
Live feed: http://www.cutours.co.uk/staffrecruitment/filteredjobsfeed.htm
This version takes just those jobs with a cateogry of Research or Research Support, filters them by location, and if they are in a research centre a dropdown menu allows you to filter them by research centre.
Live feed: http://www.cutours.co.uk/staffrecruitment/filteredresearchfeed.htm
This version takes just those jobs with a category of Research or Research Support, filters them by location, and if they are in a research centre puts them into a div corresponding to that research centre. If they have a category of Research Support but are not in a research centre, it displays them in an additional 'research support' div.
Live feed: http://www.cutours.co.uk/staffrecruitment/allresearchjobsfeed.htm