Wrapper around daft for easily creating DBN.
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install
pip install daft --user
see examples
This example creates a HMM with two explicitely visualized parameters pi and Sigma:
dbn = DBN()
dbn.attach(NodeProperties("X", 0, 0, parentsPrevious="X"))
dbn.attach(NodeProperties(name="Y",x=0, y=1,parentsNow="X", nodeType=NodeType.Observed, continuous=True))
dbn.attach(NodeProperties(name="\Sigma",x=0, y=2,parentsNow="Y", nodeType=NodeType.Variable))
dbn.attach(NodeProperties(name="\pi",x=0, y=2,parentsPrevious="Y", nodeType=NodeType.Variable))
Depending on whether the first few time slices are to be visualized (1) or the time slices around the current time, the plot can be exported via
k.export(sliceBefore=0, sliceAfter=3, centerSuffix="") #< variant 1: export first few time slices
or (2):
k.export(sliceBefore=2, sliceAfter=1, centerSuffix="\\tau") #< variant 2: export 2 before - 1
# after the current time (referred
# to as \tau)
These 7 lines of code create the following two vector graphics:
Supports pdf
and a lot more.