This was a project for my internet programming class at Luther College. The project uses the micro web framework Flask along with simple bootstrap for styling.
I worked with a teammate, Alex Dikelsky, to create an algorithm that matched combinations of letters with dictionary words. After this first take on it I worked by myself to refactor the project, increase its efficiency, and polish it up. We made this effort together over the course of a morning and afternoon at the Luther College hackathon. Unfortunately, once we finished in the afternoon, I had to leave early for a concert. Alex was able to put together a presentation using the remaining time and present our work at the end of the night.
Up to 7 letters can be input by user. All words that can be made using input letters are then returned in an ordered list.
- install python
- install pip
- create a python virtual environment, activate it, and install flask
- run flask app: 'flask run'