Helper package to work quick and safely with AWS custom resources using typescript
We use a wrapHandler function to wrap the actual handler. This wrapper handles all errors and responses to communicate back to cloudformation. It also creates a stong typed interface so all request parameters and response parameters are suggested by your code completion.
import { wrapHandler } from 'aws-custom-resources';
export const handler = wrapHandler(async event => {
return {};
This will already handle all the logic to communicate a successfull state back to cloudformation.
import { wrapHandler } from 'aws-custom-resources';
import { AppClient } from 'internal-company-package'
const client = new AppClient();
export const handler = wrapHandler(async (event, context) => {
if (event.RequestType === 'Delete') {
await client.deleteApplicationRegistration(event.ResourceProperties.applicationId);
return {};
// Other options are 'Create' and 'Update'. In this example we consider them equal
const id = await client.registerApplication(event.ResourceProperties.applicationId, context.logGroupName);
return {
PhysicalResourceId: id,
NoEcho: true
Common errors are captured and send as a FAILED state to cloudformation with the message so you will see it in your event trace
import { wrapHandler } from 'aws-custom-resources';
export const handler = wrapHandler(async event => {
throw new Error('Omg something terrible happened!')
Cdk creates lambdas standard with a timeout of 3 second. This snippet will never finish but will end up in a FAILED state in cloud formation with the message 'Custom Resource timeout'.
import { wrapHandler } from 'aws-custom-resources';
export const handler = wrapHandler(async event => {
await sleep(10000);
return {}
function sleep(millis: number) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, millis));