Searches LDAP. Nothing fancy.
A thin, promisified wrapper over LDAPjs's client.
$ npm install --save simple-ldap-search
import SimpleLDAP from 'simple-ldap-search';
const config = {
url: 'ldap://',
base: 'dc=users,dc=localhost',
dn: 'cn=root',
password: 'secret',
// create a new client
const ldap = new SimpleLDAP(config);
// setup a filter and attributes for your LDAP query
const filter = '(uid=artvandelay)';
const attributes = [
// using async/await
const users = await, attributes);
// [{
// dn: 'uid=artvandelay, dc=users, dc=localhost',
// idNumber: 1234567,
// uid: 'artvandelay',
// givenName: 'Art',
// sn: 'Vandelay',
// telephoneNumber: '555-123-4567',
// }]
: filters results.attributes
: a list of attributes to return
- A promise for the results
Destroys the connection to the LDAP server. Use when all done with LDAP client.