HmmBiasResolver is an Hmm-based model for resolving the bias in Electronic Medical Records (EMR), therefore, improving the performance of EMR data analytics.
HmmBiasResolver takes raw array-like data as input, fills the missing data with an Hmm-based model and then outputs the transformed data in the same shape.
- raw array-like data with shape (n_patients, n_timewindows, n_features)
- value range {-1, 0, +1}, with -1 "abnormal", "0" missing, "+1" normal
- transformed array-like data with shape (n_patients, n_timewindows, n_features)
- value range [-1, +1]
K. Zheng, J. Gao, K. Y. Ngiam, B. C. Ooi, and W.L.J. Yip.
Resolving the Bias in Electronic Medical Records.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD), pages 2171-2180, 2017.