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Cross-platform push notification library for Azure Notification Hubs (iOS + Android) in Go


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Go client for Azure Notification Hubs (iOS + Android) with dynamic SAS authentication.

✨ Features

  • ✅ Device registration (iOS + Android)
  • ✅ Push notification sending with per-user tagging
  • ✅ Auto-refreshing SAS token generation
  • ✅ YAML config loading (with support for full connection strings)
  • ✅ Single unified client struct with minimal boilerplate

☁️ Azure Setup

1. Create a Notification Hub

  • Azure Portal → Create ResourceNotification Hub
  • Create or choose an existing Namespace (e.g. mynamespace)
  • Create a Hub inside it (e.g. myhubname)

2. Get Access Credentials

  • In Azure Portal → Your Notification Hub → Access Policies
  • Click DefaultFullSharedAccessSignature (or create your own)
  • Copy the Connection String, which looks like:

🔍 Azure Notification Hubs vs AWS SNS: Device Management Capabilities

The table below compares the core device management and introspection features between AWS SNS and Azure Notification Hubs:

Task AWS SNS ✅ Azure Notification Hubs ❌
List all devices ✅ Yes ❌ No
Browse per-user endpoints ✅ Yes ❌ No
Store/send custom metadata ✅ Yes ✅ Yes (via tags or payload)
View registrations in UI ✅ Yes ❌ No
Delete devices by user ✅ Yes ❌ (You must track them)
Send to user/group ✅ Yes (topic/endpoint) ✅ Yes (tags)

SNS is both:

  • A messaging bus
  • A device registry (platform endpoint management)

Azure Notification Hubs:

  • Delegates token management to you
  • Is intentionally stateless and write-only
  • Does not provide introspection over installations

📦 Install

go get

🛠 Configuration Setup

Option 1: Use Individual Fields

# configuration.yml
HubName: "myhubname"
Namespace: "mynamespace"
KeyName: "DefaultFullSharedAccessSignature"
TokenValidity: "2h"

Option 2: Use ConnectionString (Recommended)

# configuration.yml
HubName: "myhubname"
ConnectionString: "Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=DefaultFullSharedAccessSignature;SharedAccessKey=YOUR_SECRET_KEY"
TokenValidity: "2h"

The library will auto-extract Namespace, KeyName, and KeyValue from the connection string.

📱 Mobile Device Tokens

In your mobile apps:

  • For iOS (APNs), get the APNs device token
  • For Android (GCM, FCM, FCMV1), get the FCM registration token

Then send it to your backend for registration using this package.

🚀 Example Usage

package main

import (

func main() {
	cfg, _ := azurepush.LoadConfiguration("configuration.yml")
	client := azurepush.NewClient(*cfg)

	id, err := client.RegisterDevice(context.Background(), azurepush.Installation{
		Platform:    "gcm", // or "apns"
		PushChannel: "gcm-or-apns-token",
		Tags:        []string{"user:42"},
	if err != nil {

	_ = client.SendNotification(context.Background(), azurepush.Notification{
		Title: "Welcome",
		Body:  "Hello from AzurePush!",
		Data: map[string]any{"key": "value"},
	}, "user:42")

📖 License

This software is licensed under the MIT License.


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