This console game was implemented for a school project to apply object oriented concepts.
Deadwood originated as a quirky, slightly satirical board game in which the players get to embrace their inner actor and navigate around the backlots of a Western film. Players take on bit roles at different sets and earn money and credits based on their performance measured in dice rolls. After four game days, the winner is chosen based on money, credits and rank. In this rendition of Deadwood, gameplay will be implemented by a software project complete with a User Interface for the board.
This beta console model version encompasses the business logic of the game. It does not have a GUI component as that will be implemented in the next step of the project (creating the model and controller). Game play takes place through command line interaction.
The version that you have is a two player game. The first player will start of with the color label blue which corresponds to a real life dice color. The turns are swapped every time a player Works, Acts, or Rehearses. If you move or upgrade you will have to end your own turn by doing one of the above actions or by typing end.
You (as the user) are very important to this game's success. Unfortunately, I cannot find every single bug. In its beta testing phase, it is important to get rid of any bugs or oddities so that when I implement the model and controller, the game business logic will be solid.
If you have any feedback or find any bugs, please see CONTACT info below to report.
Thank you for your input! I hope that you enjoy playing the game!
The goal of the game is for you (the player) to earn as much money and credits as you can by taking parts in scenes around the deadwood board and upgrading your rank as you see fit. You can earn money and credits for each role you take. The role may be an extra or a main role. Extra roles earn more for each Act, but at the end of a scene, main roles earn more in bonus pay outs.
Once a scene wraps in one room, you cannot take any of the roles in that room until the next day.
The game consists of 4 days. Each day is complete when you and the other player have gone through all of the rooms on the board. After this happens, the board is reset and all of the stages are open again. New main roles (cards) are dealt to the rooms. At the end of 4 days of acting, scores are totaled and whoever has the highest combination of rank, credits, and dollars wins.
HOW TO RUN: In Linux:
- Download the Deadwood.jar file and put it in appropriate user directory.
- Open your favorite console.
- Check to make sure permissions are set so that it can execute. 3a) If unsure, type chmod 775.
- Then type ./DeadwoodBeta.jar in the directory where you put the jar file. 4a) Alternatively : type java -jar DeadwoodBeta.jar Enjoy!
In Windows:
- Download the Deadwood.jar file and put it in appropriate user directory.
- Open your windows command prompt.
- Check to make sure permissions are set so that it can execute.
- In directory where you put your file: type java -jar DeadwoodBeta.jar
The following are valid commands on the console: (words in upper case are arguments which you must specify).
who: identifies current player in the form colorName (dollars, credits) rank. It also identifies any parts you are working.
where: describes where current player is, any active scenes, where you can move to, and what roles you can play.
move ROOM: will move current player to the room specified.
work PART: player will take the current role
upgrade $ LEVEL : will upgrade player's rank to the level specified (between 2-6) if you have enough money
upgrade cr LEVEL: same as above command but will use credits instead of dollars to upgrade
rehearse: gives player 1 rehearsal chip. This will help you succeed more easily when you act.
act : will allow player to perform current role
end: will end current player's turn
Basic Rules:
NOTE: Spelling and Capitalization are extremely IMPORTANT. there is no error checking implemented for this. For example : if you type work Sleeping drunkard (role is Sleeping Drunkard) you will not be able to take the role and your turn will be skipped because you didn't capitalize the 'D' in 'Drunkard'.
- you may only move to a room that is in your neighbor set
- you can only take a role that is less than or equal to your player rank
- While you are working a role, you may not move or act in another role.
- you cannot work in a stage that has already been wrapped
- you cannot work in a role that someone else is working on or has already worked on
- when upgrading, you can only upgrade to the level that you can pay for. (valid levels between 2-6)
- upgrading must only be done at the office
- you cannot act in the trailer, this is where you start the day
On your turn you can:
- move and take a role
- move
- do nothing
- act if you already have a role
- rehearse if you already have a role
- upgrade if you are in the casting office
Upgrading Costs: Rank: Dollars Credits 2 4 5 3 10 10 4 18 15 5 28 20 6 40 25
To view the board while you are playing, look at the board.jpeg file in the repo. To view the complete rules of Deadwood: visit this link
Please contact [email protected] if you have any suggestions or bug reports. I am very interested in your feedback.