Provides typed curry
and pipe
Have a toy typescript project where perf is not important? Don't want to install bigger, better libraries? Want curry and pipe functions without the hassle of typing them?
- Horribly naive, optimised for absolutely nothing, but super tiny implementations
- Does not support
style curry placeholders - Anonymous functions everywhere
npm i @kavsingh/curry-pipe
Typings are lifted from @types/lodash
Here is the classic simple scenario
import { curry, pipe } from '@kavsingh/curry-pipe';
const add = curry((x: number, y: number) => x + y);
const multiply = curry((x: number, y: number) => x * y);
// infers (x: number) => number
const plus2Times3 = pipe(add(2), multiply(3));
plus2Times3(3); // 15
Dealing with generics needs a BYO signature overload (same with lodash afaik)
import { curry, pipe } from '@kavsingh/curry-pipe';
const takeN: {
(n: number): <X>(xs: X[]) => X[];
<X>(n: number, xs: X[]): X[];
} = curry((n: number, xs: any[]) => xs.slice(0, n));
const range = curry((min: number, max: number) =>
Array.from({ length: max - min }, (_, i) => i + min),
// infers (x: number) => number[]
const why = pipe(range(2), takeN(3));
why(10); // [2, 3, 4]