is a Google Authenticator compatible OATH implementation.
- PHP 5.5+
composer require kelunik/two-factor
There's a runnable demo contained in this repository.
$oath = new Oath;
// this generates a key in binary format
$key = $oath->generateKey();
// store key for user
$oath = new Oath;
$key = "..."; // load user key from storage
// Use the URI to provide an easy to scan QR code
$uri = $oath->getUri($key);
// Alternatively display the key for manual input
$secret = $oath->encodeKey($key);
You can use your favourite JavaScript or PHP library to generate the QR code. For a working example, we're using qr.js
<form action="/2fa/setup" method="POST">
Scan the following QR code and click continue once you're ready.
<input type="hidden" value="{{$uri}}" id="2fa-uri">
<canvas id="qr-code"></canvas>
<script src="/js/qr.min.js"></script>
canvas: document.getElementById("qr-code"),
value: document.getElementById("2fa-uri").value
<button type="submit">Continue</button>
$oath = new Oath;
$key = "..."; // load user key from storage
$isValid = $oath->verifyTotp($key, $totpValue);
// If the token is valid, ensure that it can't be used again.
// Because we use the default grace window size of two,
// we have to store the used TOTP value for at least 90 seconds,
// to prevent its usage explicitly.