Hackable localization library for Haxe
Translations are done with interfaces. You will never mis-spell the translation key anymore.
In many existing localization libraries, the translation function looks like this:
loc.translate('hello', {name: 'World'});
loc.translate('orange', {number: 1});
There is one and only one translation function and its type is String->Dynamic->String
That means it takes a String key, a Dynamic parameter object and returns a substituted string.
Several things can go wrong here: wrong translation key, wrong param name or wrong param data type.
With turnwing, we have typed translators. Each of them is a user-defined function and typed specifically.
loc.hello('World'); // String->String
loc.orange(1); // Int->String
There is only one place where errors could happen, that is when the localization data is loaded.
This is because data are validated when they are loaded. The data provider does all the heavy lifting to make sure the loaded data includes all the needed translation keys and values. As a result, there is no chance for actual translation calls to fail.
Users can plug in different implementations at various part of the library.
For example, JsonProvider
uses JSON as the underlying localization format.
One can easily write a XmlProvider
(perhaps with tink_xml).
Also, an ErazorTemplate
may replace the default HaxeTemplate
import turnwing.*;
import turnwing.provider.*;
import turnwing.template.*;
interface MyLocale {
function hello(name:String):String;
function orange(number:Int):String;
var sub(get, never):SubLocale;
interface SubLocale {
function yo():String;
class Main {
static function main() {
var source = new ResourceStringSource(lang -> '$lang.json');
var template = new HaxeTemplate();
var loc = new Manager<MyLocale>(new JsonProvider<MyLocale>(source, template));
loc.get('en').handle(function(o) switch o {
case Success(localizer):
// data prepared, we can now translate something
$type(localizer); // MyLocale
trace(localizer.hello('World')); // "Hello, World!"
trace(localizer.orange(4)); // "There are 4 orange(s)!"
case Failure(e):
// something went wrong when fetching the localization data
// and your json data looks like this:
"hello": "Hello, ::name::!",
"orange": "There are ::number:: orange(s)!",
"sub": {
"yo": "Yo!"
is a provider for JSON sources.
Its data validation is powered by tink_json
which generates the validation code with macro at compile time
according to the type information of the user-defined locale interface.
Requires a templating engine to interpolate the parameters.
The interface is defined in Template.hx
is an implementation based on haxe.Template
from the Haxe standard library.
var source = new ResourceStringSource(lang -> '$lang.json');
var template = new HaxeTemplate();
var provider = new JsonProvider<MyLocale>(source, template);
To use it, install tink_json
and include it as dependency in your project
is a provider for Fluent.
Messages in the FTL file should be named the same as the Locale interface functions.
Nested interfaces should be delimited by a dash (-
Please refer to the files in the tests/data/ftl
folder as an example.
At the moment, the validation logic is incomplete and only performs a very rough check. So, runtime error may occur in a locale function call. This will be improved in the future.
var source = new ResourceStringSource(lang -> '$lang.ftl');
var provider = new FluentProvider<MyLocale>(source);
To use it, you have to install the npm package @fluent/bundle