Application for parking_lot
----------- $ bin/setup ----------- To install all dependencies, compile and run tests. It downloads and runs pytest, for customised test cases. It calls bin\run_functional_tests, to verify the given standard test suits. All should be passed.
----------- bin/run_functional_tests ----------- It runs and verifies the given standard test suits
----------- $ bin/parking_lot file_inputs.txt ----------- To run the code so it accepts input from a file: $ bin/parking_lot file_inputs.txt file_inputs.txt can be placed any where under root, which is parking_lot folder.
----------- $ bin/parking_lot ----------- Going into interactive mode, to run the program and launch the shell:
Assuming a parking lot with 6 slots, the following commands should be run in sequence by typing them in at a prompt and should produce output as described below the command. Note that exit terminates the process and returns control to the shell.
$ create_parking_lot 6 Created a parking lot with 6 slots
$ park KA-01-HH-1234 White Allocated slot number: 1
$ park KA-01-HH-9999 White Allocated slot number: 2
$ park KA-01-BB-0001 Black Allocated slot number: 3
$ park KA-01-HH-7777 Red Allocated slot number: 4
$ park KA-01-HH-2701 Blue Allocated slot number: 5
$ park KA-01-HH-3141 Black Allocated slot number: 6
$ leave 4 Slot number 4 is free
$ status Slot No. Registration No Colour 1 KA-01-HH-1234 White 2 KA-01-HH-9999 White 3 KA-01-BB-0001 Black 5 KA-01-HH-2701 Blue 6 KA-01-HH-3141 Black
$ park KA-01-P-333 White Allocated slot number: 4
$ park DL-12-AA-9999 White Sorry, parking lot is full
$ registration_numbers_for_cars_with_colour White KA-01-HH-1234, KA-01-HH-9999, KA-01-P-333
$ slot_numbers_for_cars_with_colour White 1, 2, 4
$ slot_number_for_registration_number KA-01-HH-3141 6
$ slot_number_for_registration_number MH-04-AY-1111 Not found
$ exit