This is a tool artifact of the Kieker Observability Framework Version 2, submitted to ICPE 2025.
The Docker compose file configures all required software components as Docker containers and launches theTeaStore microservices (with the Kieker agents), Kieker OpenTelemetry Transformer, the ExplorViz software visualization framework, and the JMeter load testing tool.
First, JMeter sends HTTP requests to TeaStore. Then, the Kieker agents attached to each TeaStore microservice send traces to Kieker OpenTelemetry Transformer. It translates all received Kieker traces into OpenTelemetry spans and sends them to ExplorViz. Finally, ExplorViz visualizes TeaStore using the received span data.
- An operating system with Docker Desktop and Git.
- Launching the tool artifact requires two TCP ports:
. - On Windows, allow Docker Desktop to access public networks when prompted.
You can download the repository files directly without git.
git clone
Extract the downloaded file to your desired location.
Launching all Docker containers will take 2 to 3 minutes.
cd tool-artifact
docker compose up -d
After launching the containers, you will be able to browse the WebUIs of TeaStore and ExplorViz.
- TeaStore uses the TCP port 8080. On localhost the url is http://localhost:8080.
- ExplorViz uses the TCP port 8082. The url is http://localhost:8082. You may see the architectural visualization of TeaStore by clicking
Default Landscape
. No additional interactions are necessary.
docker compose down -v
- This tool artifact began as an artifact for the SSP2024 paper, Interoperability From Kieker to OpenTelemetry: Demonstrated as Export to ExplorViz.
- The provided Docker compose files are based on the ExplorViz Docker compose deployment scripts.