The installation is designed to be idempotent, meaning it can be run again.
- Install all OS updates
- On Mac:
xcode-select --install
- Install brew
brew install bash fish stow git
orsudo apt-get --assume-yes install bash fish stow git
- On Mac:
sudo bash -c "echo /usr/local/bin/bash >> /private/etc/shells"
- Make fish shell a default
- Install fisher
git clone [email protected]:kimmoahola/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
stow -v 2 .
- Open up a new terminal (should open as a fish shell)
- Add ssh key to github
cat $HOME/.ssh/ - Setup Raycast app
- Disable Spotlight keyboard shortcuts
- Configure Raycast shortcut to cmd-space
- Login to visual studio using github
- Start Maccy (and start it at boot)
- Add 'Hack Nerd Font Mono', 'Comic sans MS' to editors and terminal
$ dotfiles help
Usage: dotfiles <command>
clean Clean up caches (brew, npm)
help This help message
update Update packages and pkg managers (brew, brew cask, npm)
- Rename any 3rd party sources in
to point to the newer Ubuntu release. - After the upgrade, run and check the results.
- After the upgrade, run and check the results.
- Watch dconf settings changes while editing stuff via UI:
dconf watch /
- Find setting changes via
defaults read > /tmp/before
, make changes via UI,defaults read > /tmp/after
and thencode --diff /tmp/before /tmp/after
Many thanks to the dotfiles community.
siege --concurrent=1 --reps=10 --header="Cookie: sessionid=asdfasdf"