Smalo is a bare minimum skeleton for rapid web project starter. It uses common LEMP stack with microservices architecture using docker. Services:
- Nginx 1.21
- mySQL 8.0.25
- Laravel 8.48.1 (as API)
- Nuxt 2.15.3 (as Frontend)
- Phpmyadmin 5.1.1 / Adminer 4.8.1
- Redis 6.2.4
A. New & Clean Environment: (Recommended OS: Linux, OSX, Windows(WSL))
1. Install [docker desktop](
2. Clone project
3. Go to project folder: $ cd smalo
3. Rename .env.example to .env
4. Resolve project CLI:
a. Add following function at .bashrc or .zshrc, i.e .zshrc
function smalo {
cd /PATH/TO/YOUR/PROJECT && bash smalo $*
cd -
*note: change /PATH/TO/YOUR/PROJECT, use 'pwd' in project root folder
b. Apply changes: $ source .zshrc
5. Init project by run: $ smalo init
6. Add to hosts file:
a. Linux: $ sudo vi /etc/hosts
b. Windows: $ cd c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
below line: api.smalo.test web.smalo.test adminer.smalo.test
7. Open browser:
1. if error storage/logs access denied run under api folder: $ chmod 777 -R storage bootstrap/cache
2. if found error: "...An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions...", Pls follow this step
(Known bug with Hyper-V windows WSL):
a. First, check, if your required port is reserved:
$ netsh interface ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp
b. If it your port is in one of the ranges, stop winnat:
$ net stop winnat
c. Prohibit dynamic reservation for your required port (here for example, 50051, as stated in the original question):
$ netsh int ipv4 add excludedportrange protocol=tcp startport=50051 numberofports=1
d. Restart winnat:
$ net start winnat
1. Enter API shell: $ docker-compose exec api sh
2. Enter Web shell: $ docker-compose exec web sh
B. First Project Creation Only:
Prepare API (Laravel):
1. $ docker-compose run --rm api composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel tmp "8.*"
2. $ docker-compose run --rm api sh -c "mv -n tmp/.* ./ && mv tmp/* ./ && rm -Rf tmp"
Prepare Web (Nuxt):
1. $ docker-compose run --rm web sh -c "yarn global add nuxt && yarn create nuxt-app tmp"
2. $ docker-compose run --rm web sh -c "mv -n tmp/.* ./ && mv tmp/* ./ && rm -Rf tmp"
Useful Docker Commands:
1. Build up docker space: $ docker-compose up -d --build
2. Clean up docker space: $ docker system prune --all --volumes --force
3. Cleanup containers: $ docker-compose down -v --rmi all --remove-orphans
Project spesific usage:
smalo <command> [options] [arguments]
Available commands:
artisan ................................... Run an Artisan command
build [image] ............................. Build all of the images or the specified one
cert ...................................... Certificate management commands
generate .............................. Generate a new certificate
install ............................... Install the certificate
composer .................................. Run a Composer command
destroy ................................... Remove the entire Docker environment
down [-v] ................................. Stop and destroy all containers
-v .................... Destroy the volumes as well
init ...................................... Initialise the Docker environment and the application
logs [container] .......................... Display and tail the logs of all containers or the specified one's
repositories............................... Pull from repositories
restart ................................... Restart the containers
start ..................................... Start the containers
stop ...................................... Stop the containers
update .................................... Update the Docker environment
yarn ...................................... Run a Yarn command
- To install local cert SSL on windows, please refer to this link
- Manually install certificate at api endpoint:
- $ docker-compose exec api sh
- $ update-ca-certificates
- Git commit best practice:
- PHP coding style guide:
- Use PSR-12 Code Style, which includes PSR-1 and PSR-2 code styles
- Use PSR-4 for both autoloading and namespacing
Use ESLint & Prettier
Resource about this architecture ([]