These exercises were my first contact with the programming world. All files are organized in folders that represent the lists of exercises solved for some specific topics of programming logic. So far the repository contains everything from the most basic skills of logical and mathematical operators to matrices and vectors.
All exercises have the code in .c as well as its executable version in .exe, the names of the files are descriptive to the functionality of the code. In most codes there is a small comment in the first line explaining the functionality of the code.
For most of the exercises I missed the statement information. Despite this they are very similar to their name description. So many codes can be done in several other ways, many of them even more efficient, but in some exercises it was part of the challenge not to use a certain function or command.
Feel free to use and collaborate with the repository.
Sistema de Cadastro e Consulta
I know two ways of making C file run in your computer.
1# Using Codebloks Installer, probaly is the easyest way! If you dont mind installign Codebloks when you download it and install the codeblocks-20.03mingw-setup.exe the Codeblocks will setup the gcc compiler that allow your computer to run C files.
2# Using on VSCode, probaly the best way. If you follow this tutorial from javapoint you will be abble to run C files on your VScode. To improve your experience I recomend you to install those plugins on your VSCode, it will allow to run you code by just pressing F6.