This project is a web-based character profile page dedicated to Shinji Hirako from the anime Bleach. The page features a unique interactive experience that allows users to learn about Shinji’s character, abilities, and background while incorporating an engaging visual effect that inverts the content, inspired by his ability "Sakasama no Sekai" (Inverted World).
- Responsive Design: The page adapts to different screen sizes for optimal viewing on various devices.
- Background Images: A captivating background image that covers the entire page, creating an immersive experience.
- Interactive Content: A button that, when clicked, flips the content upside down to mimic Shinji's special ability.
- Audio Effects: Background audio plays when the content is flipped, enhancing the user experience.
- Dynamic Button Text: The button text changes based on the state of the content (flipped or normal), providing clear user feedback.
- HTML: Structure of the webpage.
- CSS: Styling and layout for a visually appealing interface.
- JavaScript: Interactive functionalities, including content flipping and audio playback.
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd bleach-characters
Open the HTML File: Open
in your web browser to view the character profile page. -
Interact with the Page: Click the "Experience Shikai" button to flip the content upside down. Enjoy the audio effects and observe the changing background image. Click the button again to return to normal.
This project has been deployed on Netlify. You can view it live at:
- Background Images: Update the background image paths in the HTML file to personalize the visuals.
- Audio Files: Replace the audio file paths in the JavaScript section to customize the sound effects.
This project can be extended to include profiles for all characters from Bleach, offering fans an immersive experience to learn about their favorite characters and abilities.
- Inspired by Bleach and the character Shinji Hirako.
- Special thanks to Bleach Fandom for providing detailed information on Shinji Hirako and his abilities.