Simple Socket Echo Server Can also be combined with lists and threads to run multiple socket connections at the same time. In this example the server accepts only one client. But if you store the sockets and iterate through them (or split them with threads in multiple processes) you can accept multiple clients.
string ip = "localhost";
string port = "1234";
Socket *masterSocket = new Socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); //AF_INET (Internet mode) SOCK_STREAM (TCP mode) 0 (Protocol any)
int optVal = 1;
masterSocket->socket_set_opt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &optVal); //You can reuse the address and the port
masterSocket->bind(ip, port); //Bind socket on localhost:1234
masterSocket->listen(10); //Start listening for incoming connections (10 => maximum of 10 Connections in Queue)
while (true) {
vector<Socket> reads(1);
reads[0] = *masterSocket;
int seconds = 10; //Wait 10 seconds for incoming Connections
if(Socket::select(&reads, NULL, NULL, seconds) < 1){ //Socket::select waits until masterSocket reveives some input (for example a new connection)
//No new Connection
//Something happens, let's accept the connection
Socket *newSocket = masterSocket->accept(); //Accept the incoming connection and creates a new Socket to the client
while (true) {
vector<Socket> reads(1);
reads[0] = *newSocket;
int seconds = 10; //Wait 10 seconds for input
if(Socket::select(&reads, NULL, NULL, seconds) < 1){ //Socket::select waits until masterSocket reveives some input (for example a message)
//No Input
string buffer;
newSocket->socket_read(buffer, 1024); //Read 1024 bytes of the stream
newSocket->socket_write(buffer); //Sends the input back to the client (echo)
Simple Socket Client
string ip = Socket::ipFromHostName(""); //Get ip addres from hostname
string port = "80"; //let's talk on http port
Socket *sock = new Socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); //AF_INET (Internet mode) SOCK_STREAM (TCP mode) 0 (Protocol any)
sock->connect(ip, port); //Connect to
sock->socket_write("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n");//Send GET request to
int seconds = 10;//Wait 10 second for response
vector<Socket> reads(1);
reads[0] = *sock;
if(sock->select(&reads, NULL, NULL, seconds) < 1){//Socket::select waits until sock reveives some input (for example the answer from
//Something went wrong
string buffer;
sock->socket_read(buffer, 1024);//Read 1024 bytes of the answer
cout << buffer << endl;